Denise 2012. 8. 14. 16:26

      controllingarea            p_kokrs
*   testrun                    = 'X'
*   MASTER_DATA_INACTIVE       = ' '
*   LANGUAGE                   =
      costcenterlist             p_data[]
      return                     gt_bapi_return[].

실행을 해도 성공을 한 경우 return이 안 온다는 사실..




There are many bapis that do not return the value in the return table upon successfull updating..


Hence you should not worry...


Check for values in return table..if it is not your error procecssing other wise perform success processing as per the requirement..


IF GT_RETURN[] is not intial.

Error record

Error message/Error Processing


success updation

success processin



Note: After using this BAPI to modify notification, You need to call the BAPI_ALM_NOTIFICATION_SAVE to save the notification...


이걸 몰라서 왜 msg type이 'S'가 안 나오는지 6시간을 삽질한..O_O;

망할 시스템..

# 필드의 데이터를 삭제할 경우는 '.' or '!'을 반드시 채워야 인식하는 BAPI가 있다.!!

To initiate a field, only a period (".") must be transferred to the field interface. The appropriate field checks are performed


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