Name | Value | Description |
xlHAlignCenter | -4108 | Center. |
xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection | 7 | Center across selection. |
xlHAlignDistributed | -4117 | Distribute. |
xlHAlignFill | 5 | Fill. |
xlHAlignGeneral | 1 | Align according to data type. |
xlHAlignJustify | -4130 | Justify. |
xlHAlignLeft | -4131 | Left. |
xlHAlignRight | -4152 | Right. |
XlVAlign Enumeration
Name | Value | Description |
xlVAlignBottom | -4107 | Bottom |
xlVAlignCenter | -4108 | Center |
xlVAlignDistributed | -4117 | Distributed |
xlVAlignJustify | -4130 | Justify |
xlVAlignTop | -4160 | Top
XlBordersIndex Enumeration
Name | Value | Description |
xlDiagonalDown | 5 | Border running from the upper left-hand corner to the lower right of each cell in the range. |
xlDiagonalUp | 6 | Border running from the lower left-hand corner to the upper right of each cell in the range. |
xlEdgeBottom | 9 | Border at the bottom of the range. |
xlEdgeLeft | 7 | Border at the left-hand edge of the range. |
xlEdgeRight | 10 | Border at the right-hand edge of the range. |
xlEdgeTop | 8 | Border at the top of the range. |
xlInsideHorizontal | 12 | Horizontal borders for all cells in the range except borders on the outside of the range. |
xlInsideVertical | 11 | Vertical borders for all the cells in the range except borders on the outside of the range. |